Who we are & what we do
Tupton Parish Council is made up of 11 local people elected by the local community every four years.
Council meetings are normally held on the second Wednesday in the month, with the exception of August. All meetings are held at Tupton Methodist Church and start at 7pm. All meetings are open to the public with provision made at the start of each meeting for residents of the Parish to ask questions or raise matters of concern.
The purpose of the Council is to represent the interests of the whole community. They do this through their involvement in a range of local groups, direct contact with local people and wide ranging consultations with the local community.
Council Meetings - see the council meetings calendar for more information and a list of Council Meeting dates.
For further information relating to the services offered by the Parish Council please contact the Parish Clerk who will be happy to give advice and assistance.
Parish Council Elections
The next Parish Council Elections will take place in May 2023.
Parish Councillors
Our councillors are elected or co-opted to the Council
- Councillors
A list of our councillors along with contact information.
Parish Council Complaints Procedures
Committees and Working Groups
We have a Finance committee, who meet as and when necessary but as a minimum at least once a year in November, when the precept requirement for the following year will be assessed ready for presentation to full Council.
The council may set up other working groups to deal with any issues relating to Parish business as considered necessary during the year.
Our Staff
We have 1 member of staff, a Parish Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer who deals with the day to day running of the council together with all financial matters.
Ruth Price |
Parish Clerk |
clerk@tupton-pc.gov.uk |
07587 107122 |